Sunday, August 22, 2010

Dub Club

So, as of today I'm twenty... fuck I'm old. I mean I don't actually FEEL old, but when I say it out loud (I'm twenty years old) it just sounds really old to me. I remember when I was in elementary school and I thought high school kids were "adults." Well, high school kids, I have news for you: you're not, and for that you should be ecstatic. If I could I would switch places with you in a second. I'm not saying I'd do anything differently. I try to live my life without regrets. I truly believe that the moments that have been the hardest in my life so far have played a huge role in shaping who I am today, but at the same time man would I love to do it all again. I feel like, in honor of my birthday, 20 random facts about myself would be an appropriate next blog (see the disclaimer in my first blog about how the only people who have blogs are narcissist with too much time on thier hands and apply it directly to me haha). So here they are. Twenty things that either helped shape me, I'm passionate about, or simply just popped into my head as I wrote this. All the stories you're about to hear are true, only the names have been changed to protect the innocent.

1. I'm a liberal San Francisan. I was born in the city and raised just across the Golden Gate Bridge. San Francisco will forever be my favorite city in the U.S.

2. Words CANNOT describe what workshop did for me. Anyone who has talked to me about it knows, and anyone who went through it with me will say the same thing. I only hope that I was able to give back to the people I bumped into along my path a tenth of what I got out of it.

3. My freshman year in high school my soccer team won 0 games, my sophomore year we won 4, my junior year we made it to the tournament for the first time in 10 years, and then there was Fall 2007, a season to remember. We went 18-3-1 and after dismembering Marin Catholic in the finals I finally got that NCS ring with my name on it.

4. I'm a bando and I'm proud. I played the trumpet for 8 years, went to a school of the arts for high school, and attended band camp for three glorious summers. If you have anything to say about it, fuck off, it's my birthday.

5. I'm selectively passionate, quietly opinionated, and fiercely loyal. I listen, I over analyze, I care. I'm learning to love and living to learn. I have a heavy heart and an old soul. I don't judge, I won't quit on you, and that's all I'll ever ask of you in return.

6. I associate movies and music with either a time in my life or a person, always. Because of that there are some movies I can't watch and some songs I can't listen to because they bring back memories I'd rather avoid. Que sera, sera.

7. Go Greek. I love my fraternity and the opportunities it has afforded me. What? "Blah blah buying friends blah..." Well, you obviously have no idea what Greek life, or being a member of a fraternity, is about. Enjoy being ignorant.

8. When I propose to my wife, Eye to Eye from A Goofy Movie will be playing in the background.

9. When I went to Europe in high school it opened my eyes to the world around me. After just a taste of the culture in London, France, Italy, Germany and Switzerland I found myself craving more. I'm more excited to go back in the spring than I have been for anything else in my life.

10. I strongly believe in following what you are passionate about. For a while when I was thinking about what I wanted to do in my future I always focused on what would make me the most money the fastest, as I think most people do. I mean it's understandable. Money allows you to do pretty much whatever you want. But after talking to my boss at my job right now and really doing some soul searching this summer, I don't care about getting where I want to be fast. I want to always enjoy where I am, in the moment. After all, "Choose a job you love and you'll never have to work a day in your life." -Confucius

11. I have to give a shout out to my Greek family. Jewish mafia domination. Family motto: nut up or shut up.

12. Arizona will always have a special place in my heart. I've been going there every summer since I can remember, either to visit family in Jerome, to change lives in Scottsdale, or to escape from the world in the White Mountains. A summer just won't be right if I don't spend some of it in the 115 degrees Arizona heat.

13. My favorite movie is Fight Club. My favorite TV shows are Entourage, Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, and Lost. My favorite books are The Count of Monte Cristo and The Perks of Being a Wallflower. Wrap your head around that.

14. I've found I do my best thinking at the beach, on a lifeguard tower, at night. Thankfully, living in Southern California allows me to do this year round. Sometimes I invite someone to go with me. If I do, consider yourself lucky, it's not something I want to do with just anyone.

15. My little sister is hands down the most important person in my life. I'd do absolutely anything for her. That being said, I'm not envious of her first few boyfriends, because I have no qualms about being the mean big brother. She deserves the best and I'm here to make sure she gets it.

16. I value friendship above almost all else. A true friend is hard to come by, but when you find yourself traveling through life along side one it feels right. Miles and time changes don't matter. This is a shout out to you K Lizzle, Stew Baby, and Wadopotato (again, names have been changed to protect the innocent).

17. In high school I had a teacher named Mr. Dick. No, I didn't change his name to protect the innocent. His name was actually John Richard Dick (so John Dick Dick for short). I don't know if he knows it, but he is one of the most inspiring people I have met in my life. He is brilliant, he is passionate about helping kids learn, and he is really damn good at teaching. I took 4 classes with him at my high school just because I actually enjoyed learning from him, and he's the reason I'm on the career path that I am today. I should make sure he knows that. I've realized lately that a lot of people in life that really deserve praise for what they do rarely get it.

18. After my freshman year in high school I went on a cruise to Mexico. It was life changing to say the least.

19. I started playing volleyball on a whim as a freshman in high school and have loved it ever since. It's fun, it's fast paced, and you really have to know a lot about the game to be competitive. A few good matches in the gym or on the beach is one of the best stress relievers I've been able to find. Plus, let's be honest, volleyball girls a FINE, ya dig?

20. After my senior year in high school I had the pleasure of meeting John Mayer before one of his concerts and then watching him preform from the 15th row. I wasn't a big John Mayer fan before the night, but I mean who is going to pass up an opportunity to rub shoulders with a celebrity? Well, his concert was amazing, and meeting him was actually more interesting than I anticipated. It was a night of good music, great memories, and amazing company. One of my favorites to this day.

Life comes at you fast. Be passionate. Enjoy the little things.

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