Sunday, August 15, 2010

Let's Revisit Our Childhoods

I've recently found myself with a lot of time on my hands (it's the summer in Orange...) and Disney movies have been blowing up my TV lately. In search for a lighthearted way to kill a significant amount of time, I thought I'd take a trip down memory lane to appreciate some of the movies that made me laugh when I was younger, but are often overlooked for what they actually bring to the table. So here, in the next installment of this pointless blog, I bring you a list of my Top 7 Underrated Disney Movies. Enjoy.

7. Bedknobs and Broomsticks
Some people say it's like a watered down Mary Poppins that's too long and has a forgettable score, but come on people. It's animation (though out dated now) was ahead of its time in 1971. It's a movie about escaping from dull and depressing reality into an exciting realm of fantasy. Now who can't appreciate that? While not one of Disney's greatest movies of all time, it definitely deserves more credit than it gets.

6. Heavy Weights
Excuse me, 20% on Rotten Tomatoes, ARE YOU KIDDING ME?? It deserves at least 70% just because of how ridiculous Ben Stiller is throughout the movie. It's funny, it's entertaining, and like every Disney movie it has a happy, moral filled message. So what if the movie turned out to actually foreshadow an epidemic sweeping across the United States today.... We love underdog stories, even when the dogs are 5'5" and 250lbs.

5. Robin Hood
It's a simpler Disney movie. Some say it's "lackadaisical" or will bash the animation, but shit, it's from 1973... The voices work perfectly and the music has to be some of the best, most situationally appropriate music of all time. The script is witty and the animals are fitting to the characters they portray. I wore the VHS out when I was in elementary school and I plan to enjoy watching it again when I have kids some day.

4. The Sword in the Stone
This is an extremely well made movie. The animation is superb (1963), the story is relatively accurate, and there are countless jokes that bring the Disney touch to the plot. I think it's the timelessness of the jokes that really makes this movie unique when compared to today's animated movies. Also it's a Disney movie that doesn't rely on an underlying love story, which as a young boy I definitely appreciated.

3. Cool Runnings
The acting, not brilliant, though John Candy does a very impressive job in a role a bit more serious than he generally played. The story line, not that accurate, but who really cares? If I wanted to watch a documentary I wouldn't go to my Disney movies hoping to find a factually precise one... The movie is hilarious (mainly thanks to Doug E. Doug and his portrayal of Sanka Coffie) and touches on tons of themes throughout the movie (parent-child conflict, superstition, ambition, love, hate, patriotism, ect.). It's definitely on my list of late night/sick day movies to watch to make me feel better.

2. Hercules
As a young boy what more could I ask for from Disney than for them to make a movie where there wasn't a princess, where there was ample amounts of fighting, and that had music that I still (to this day) can't get out of my head? Nothing I tell you. What's that you say? You say the Greek mythology isn't accurate? Oh... okay, well in that case... fuck off. It's a fictional Disney movie. The jokes in it still make me laugh to this day despite the fact that I can basically recite the movie for you. If it's not on your list of favorite Disney movies then I suggest you check your pulse.

1. A Goofy Movie
If you have a complaint about this movie than you should go take a long walk off a short pier (unless it's about that possum theme park... cause that shit freaked me out a little when I first saw it). It's funny, it's uplifting, and it's well made. It has a nice mix of classic Disney characters with some fresh new ones. AND if none of that does it for you, then I have just one word: Powerline. In my opinion, arguably two of the best Disney songs ever (and for the sake of this list, my opinion is all that matters).

For your viewing pleasure (I'd post it on the blog but the Internet is being shitty) -

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